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June is National Microchipping Month, safegaurd your pets with RFID

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It will be here before you know it – June is National Microchipping Month which means animal support groups are raising awareness to highlight the benefits of RFID pet identification for dogs, cats and other companion animals.
The microchipping process is relatively straight forward. It involves inserting a small RFID transponder encased in a BIO glass tag beneath the animal’s skin. The chip is programmed following ISO standard with a unique pet ID number.
The microchip can be read with any scanner, and follow the link of the animal ID numbers to online pet databases to trace a lost or stolen animal and return it to its rightful owner. Official organization can also use the RFID microchip and add information to the database such as medical history, vaccination schedules, updated owner addresses and more.
Around the world, Switzerland now requires it for all dogs as well as horses and pet databases help national and local governments monitor pet populations, and hold all the necessary information to easily contact the pet owner if necessary. In the U.K., some dog groomers, animal shelters and local government entities have begun offering the microchipping service.

adminJune is National Microchipping Month, safegaurd your pets with RFID

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